one year (and two months).


one of the hardest things for me about the prospect of moving to a small town was #1 leaving our friends and #2 finding a yoga instructor. ok, so yoga really wasn't #2 on my list...more like #10/12, but it was a reality of the move that i probably wouldn't find a class. kind of ridiculous--i mean realistically i could just watch a video, or create my own sequence. if i'm being completely honest though i like being surrounded by people sweating with me, giggling with my neighbor as i fall out of a pose, laughing with someone about our awkwardly contorted bodies, and i like being around people. i really like being around people. the other day D and i were talking and i mentioned working remotely from home would be kind of nice. he laughed and said "you would never make it." he is right. i love going to work, collaborating with co-workers, and engaging with people throughout the day. i recently made a new acquaintance at a bbq and learned that she taught yoga--and even better she was pulling together a class. today was the first time after about a year hiatus and it was a great release.

we've been here for just over a year now and it has been a bumpy year. starting a business, jumping into a new career in a brand new field, purchasing a house, living with in-laws, taking care of a house, the list goes on. taking the time for myself, with no underlying agenda--thinking of city improvements, business collaboration, city marketing, networking--solely to enjoy yoga (something for myself) was a monumental step. maybe slightly dramatic, but this step--a mere 1 1/2 hours--is what made me grow fonder of this town. i've started growing roots here, new friends, new relationships, new traditions. i'm finding my place. the greatest of all i'm allowing myself to become apart of a community.


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