20140726_124421 A rush of change has been happening in our lives and I'm at a stand still. With a recent ankle surgery I'm coach/hammock ridden for a while. Things are on the up and we have nothing but gratitude to be had. My ankle is in the best repair it has been in the past 4 years, our steps have turned to strides with Roam, and so the list goes on. But change is in the air--the start is what seems like a large sacrifice (though it is small) is looking at ways to cut costs. Numero uno being rent we're moving into a duplex with TK and Devin (conveniently I'm an immobile gimp). Numero dos selling things off--we've been spoiled with all the storage space at the Millcreek home. Finally, cutting back on the many imperative gear purchases--all in the name of Roam.


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